Igneous Extruder

Igneous Extruder

Thermal Expansion









Data value

dec: 20027 hex: 7D27 bin: 111110100107

The Igneous Extruder is a machine that uses lava and water to create cobblestone, smooth stone or obsidian. The Igneous Extruder also gives off light levels of 12. The machine also responds to a redstone signal. You can set the mode to ignore redstone signals or turn off or on based on them.


  Piston   Igneous Extruder
Glass Machine Frame Glass
Tin Ingot Pneumatic Servo Tin

Raw Materials:

             8 Glass                  2 Tin Ingot
             3 Wooden Planks          7 Iron Ingot
             4 Cobblestone            1 Gold Ingot
             2 Redstone


Inputs: 1, Blue (Liquid Input.)

Outputs: 1, Orange.

Buckets, cans, capsules or cells of water and lava may be placed into the orange slot to fill the machine, or you may also right click with one before entering the GUI to fill up the machine. BuildCraft pipes, RedPower pipes, Liquiducts and attached machines with powered liquid output can also be used to fill the extruder.

Recipe List

  • All recipes but cobblestone, requiring any amount of water and lava require at least 1 full bucket (1000 mB) of lava and water in the machine.

Video Tutorial

Input Lava Quantity Water Quantity Time
Cobblestone 1+ mB 1+ mB 2 seconds
Smooth Stone 2 mB 500 mB 4 seconds
Obsidian 1000 mB 1000 mB 6 seconds

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