Crescent Hammer

Crescent Hammer
Crescent Hammer

Thermal Expansion









Data value

dec: 20258 hex: 4F22 bin: 100111100100010

A Crescent Hammer is a tool that allows you to modify and break items from the Thermal Expansion mod. The Buildcraft Wrench has some of the same properties, but can't be used to break items from Thermal Expansion. To use the Crescent Hammer, simply hold your sneak key (shift by default) and right-click. Instead of a Crescent Hammer you can also use the OmniWrench.

Video Tutorial


Iron Ingot   Iron Ingot Crescent Hammer
  Silver Ingot  
  Iron Ingot  

Additional Information

  • You can use the Crescent Hammer to reorient levers and chests or give it to a turtle to use on a quartz grinding stone.

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