Secret Rooms Mod

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Secret Rooms Mod









The Secret Rooms Mod in Attack of the B-Team adds hidden doors, trapdoors, one way glass, etc. Very useful for hiding things.


Blocks and Items

1) Torch lever BlockID = 2020 BROKEN IMAGE Works like a normal lever, but looks exactly like a torch. It even sheds light.

2) OneWay Camo BlockID = 2021 BROKEN IMAGE One side camo, all the rest glass. Looks like glass in the inventory. When placed, camo side is either towards or away from you. This can be toggled with the BackSlash key, \.

3) Secret Gate BlockID = 2022 BROKEN IMAGE Camouflages to the blocks around it, and when it's powered, it extends up to 10 blocks. Try for yourself in an open area.Its orientation is the same as the OneWayCamo blocks.

4) CamoDummy (shelfgate extension) BlockID = 2023 -- NO RECIPE -- Camouflages to the blocks around them.

5) Camo TrapDoor BlockID = 2024 BROKEN IMAGE A TrapDoor that camouflages itself to the surrounding blocks. it is open-able with clicking or right-clicking, Be careful not to forget where you put it. It can be placed flush with the floor, and flush with a ceiling depending on where you right-click to place it.

6) ShelfGate Extension BlockIDs = 2025 & 2026 ItemIDs = 4106 & 4107 BROKEN IMAGE -- BROKEN IMAGE Doors that camouflage. AS usual, the iron doors are only openable by a redstone signal while the wooden doors can be opened with a click.

7) Camo Paste ItemIDs = 4108 BROKEN IMAGE You can see them, but walk right through them.

9) Secret Lever BlockID = 2028 BROKEN IMAGE Camouflages like all the other "camo" blocks, but this one works like a lever.

10) Secret Redstone BlockID = 2029 BROKEN IMAGE Another Camo Block. but this one carries a redstone current just like normal redstone. The redstone works exactly like vanilla redstone, and is nearly 100% interchangeable with it. Like vanilla redstone, it decays within 15 blocks, and needs to be refreshed with a redstone torch or repeater.

11) Secret Button BlockID = 2030 (metadata is 0 for stone, and 1 for wood) BROKEN IMAGE -- BROKEN IMAGE Another Camo block, but works like a button.

12 -15) Secret Pressure-Plates BlockIDs = 2031 -- 2034 BROKEN IMAGE -- BROKEN IMAGE BROKEN IMAGE -- BROKEN IMAGE These are very special camo blocks. when something passes over them, they emit a redstone signal. The wooden one on the left powers when anything goes over it. The Stone version on the right only provides power when a player passes over it. The Gold and Iron versions are weighted pressure plates and behave like their vanilla counterparts

16) Secret Stairs BlockID = 2035 BROKEN IMAGE Works like stairs. You place them like you would any other, and of course, they are camouflaged.

    • works best with the Ghost BlocksThe recipe for this block now works with all the different types of wooden stairs that exist.

17 & 18) Secret Chests (and trapped chest) BlockID = 2036 2037 BROKEN IMAGE Works like a chest, just camouflages like everything else, and doesn't open up like other chests. Camo trapped chests can be crafted the exact same way, simply with the trapped chest in the center rather than a normal chest

19) Secret Light Detector (and trapped chest) BlockID = 2038 BROKEN IMAGE Works like a vanilla light detector, simply camouflaged.

20) Solid Air BlockID = 2038 BROKEN IMAGE Solid air is entirely invisible, yet solid. The other Secret blocks can camouflage to its entirely transparent texture in order to make completely invisible passages and structures.

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